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Neighborhood Lending Partners, Inc.

Neighborhood Lending Partners, Inc.
(813) 879-4525

NLP Finances Affordable Housing Development in Brandon

Tampa-based developer Blue Sky Communities is in the process of building a 120-unit affordable apartment complex to be known as Blue Sky Brandon in the Brandon area of unincorporated Hillsborough County, Florida. The development will be targeting working families earning 40-60% of the Area Median Income and will bring a much need affordable option to the area. Project amenities will include a pool, fitness center, clubhouse with a business center and outdoor recreational area.

NLP is partnering with Chase on the construction financing and will provide the long-term fixed-rate financing that is often more difficult to secure but so critical to the ensuring the financial viability of an affordable development for the long haul.

According to Scott Macdonald, Vice President of Blue Sky Communities, "NLP has been great to work with and we are excited to have them as a long term financial partner in Blue Sky Brandon. We look forward to making this community a success for many years to come."

Rebuilding Together

Pictured Above from Left to Right: Brian Jones of Jones Development Company, Scott MacDonald of Blue Sky Communities, and Adam Philips of NDC Construction.

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Neighborhood Lending Partners, Inc.
3615 West Spruce Street
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 879-4525

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