Neighborhood Lending Partners is the CDFI for Local Government


Underwriting - We can help you review applications for funding for both rental and homeownership activities. We can do a preliminary report at application stage, for example, when developers are applying for LGAO funding, and a final report when you are ready for final approval. We can review the numbers on the application to make sure the developer is not seeking excessive subsidy, and that the proposed costs are reasonable and proper. We can ensure that projects are SHIP, HOME, or CDBG eligible. We can recommend a payment plan. We can do this for both tax credit and projects that receive different funding.

Monitoring - NLP will perform long term monitoring of rental projects as required. This includes examining files for income compliance and appropriate rents, and inspecting the property in order to see it is being kept in a satisfactory manner. These do not have to be projects that NLP was involved in the development.

Loan Portfolio

Loan Portfolio

NLP will manage your rental loan portfolio, whether we underwrote your loan or not. We will inspect the property according to your requirements, monitor insurance coverage, and collect loan repayments, if requested.

Program Management

Program Management

NLP has the expertise and experience to operate programs in your jurisdiction. We are about to sign an agreement to administer Orange County's revolving loan program to support their non-profit homeownership program.

Bridge Financin

Bridge Financing

Construction, or short-term financing is available for local governments and the agencies that work with you. If you fund an agency on a reimbursement basis, we are available to help the agency make payments before they are reimbursed by your government financial office.

upplemental Funding

Supplemental Funding

We can assist agencies that you fund that may need additional funds to complete their project.

Goverment News from NLP